Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Danglefoot Polish Star Wars Collection

Wahoo guess who's back! Apologies for my rather long and unplanned break but life got busy as I'm sure (hope!) people understand. Obviously there was Christmas which was great and of course I got some new polishes so expect to see swatches of them soon! Another explanation as to why it's taken me so long to get back to nails and blogging is that this month at uni I've had exams, however, I had my last one yesterday and now I'm full of inspiration and totally ready to start up again! 

Making my comeback with a very exciting (and long overdue) post on the Star Wars Collection from Danglefoot Polish. I guess this will be a bit photo heavy so I'll try to keep the text short. Now in this set not only did you get four gorgeous polishes with fab names but also a sparkly liquid latex, a handmade clay button (I got a sparkly C-3PO!) and some super cute Star Wars water decals. If this hasn't already made you want this set, wait til you see the swatches!