Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Danglefoot Polish - Baby Trio

Hi everyone! It's Friday wahoo! I have definitely got that Friday feeling today as I am off home to begin my 21st birthday celebrations! My actual birthday is on Wednesday but I've got friends and family things happening this weekend, including an afternoon tea party. Yep, I'm proper adulting haha! Anyway, not only I am excited about birthday stuff, today is a very special day... Two years ago today my first Danglefoot Polishes arrived in the mail! I was going to re-swatch those very first polishes but as I have a little pile of Danglies I haven't used yet I figured some newbies would be better. Read on to see what I've chosen!

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Barry M - Gold Rush & Holographic Lights

Hello hello hello! Apologies once again for my lack of blog posts and general social media presence. It has been rather crazy lately and I haven't had much of a chance to do nails at all. All my nail art stuff is still in bags/boxes from when I moved house! I really want to continue blogging so hopefully this will be the start of getting back into it. Today I have some rather overdue swatches from Barry M to share! Last summer Barry M released the Molten Metals (if you want a laugh you can see my old swatches of those here), four polishes with a metallic finish and a whole year later they have finally added to that collection! There are five new Molten Metals in total, however, I only picked up two of the four for a few reasons. 1. I'm a poor student, 2. I have very similar polishes to the black and blue additions, 3. The pinky/rose gold is a re-release of the Superdrug Limited Edition polish 'Twinkle Twinkle'. I personally think it's a bit cheeky of them to release the same polish, especially when it was supposed to be a limited edition shade but hey, they've done it. Anyway, let's take a look at the swatches for the two I did buy shall we?

Barry M Gold Rush and Holographic Lights