Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Lots of Dots

Andd hello again! Second post of the day is about the mani I currently have on. I'd planned to do a stripe waterfall mani but after things ended badly due to complications with cleaning brushes, I took it all off, started again and ended up with this:

Hearts & Flowers

This is post one of two today you lucky people. Mostly making up for my absence Sunday and Monday and also because of that absence, there's been missed mani's! Firstly we have my nails from yesterday. I kept this simple as I wasn't really sure what to do. 

Supersonic Diamonds

Sorry for the really late post today.. I was in Bath Sunday, Cardiff yesterday and then today my laptop has been playing up. Typical eh? Anyway, this post is about my mani that I had yesterday.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Summer Florals and Polka Dots

What day is it? It's new mani day! Painting my nails is definitely becoming more of an obsession than it was before.. While I was doing todays nails my sister walked in and said "You're painting your nails? AGAIN?!". That sums it up really doesn't it. Pretty much all I've done the past few days is look at different nail bloggers and it's been great fun. Anyway, onto the nails!

Friday, 10 July 2015

Happy Birthday Jem!

I wasn't really sure what to post today but then I remembered it was my dogs birthday and decided I couldn't be the only person who liked knowing about and seeing other peoples pets. So here we are, Jem is a Springer Spaniel and today he's 10 years old! 

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Skittle Mani Inspired by Dahlia Nails

So yesterday I discovered the nail bloggers Dahlia Nails and while browsing through their photos I came across their pastel skittle mani for Pride using some of the Barry M Speedy Quick Dry nail polishes and the matte topcoat. I instantly fell in love and already being a massive fan of these nail polishes I decided to have a go for myself. 

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Gradient Nails with Barry M Speedy Quick Dry

First post of the blog is about some gradient nails I did last night. I'm pretty sure I spent a couple of hours doing them but I was browsing the internet/social media at the same time so I wasn't exactly rushing.