Wednesday, 28 June 2017

'Ard As Nails - Summer Creme Polishes

*Press Sample*

Hello hello! I'm rubbish I know... I thought I'd got this whole blogging thing sorted again but nope. It has been yet another crazy month as I started a part time job alongside my placement resulting in hardly any free time anddd this weekend my boyfriend moved to Plymouth! It's going to be so nice to have him in the same city rather than two hours away, even if it is only until September. Anyway, I may be excited about that but I have polish to talk about! I was sent some more beautiful creme polishes by Kat from Ard As Nails, this time in some lovely summery colours. Read on to find out more!

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Sparklea Nail Polish - The Carnival Collection

Well ladies and gents, today is a very special day. This afternoon I'm starting my new job (part-time) which I'm both excited and nervous about as I'm sure is normal. I am looking forward to having a bit of extra money to spend though! However, not only am I starting a new job, this blog post is my 100th post! I can't believe it, I've sat down and written about nails 100 times. In celebration of this milestone, I wanted something exciting to share so I settled on the newest collection from my bff Lea, the creator of Sparklea Nail Polish.

Sparklea Nail Polish The Carnival Collection