Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Danglefoot Polish - The Neverending Story Collection

*PR Sample*

Hello lovelies! Blimey I don't know about you guys but it's been a busy few weeks! This month is very exciting as it the fifth anniversary of the amazing Danglefoot Polish. To celebrate, Hayley is releasing a small but still very gorgeous collection of polishes based on the 80's film 'The Neverending Story'. As someone who wasn't even born until 1996 (sorry if that upsets anyone haha!), I haven't seen it but I can promise that these polishes are stunning! Read on if you want to see for yourself!

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Rainbow Connection UK - 6th Anniversary Custom Polishes

*PR Sample*

Helloo ladies and gentlemen! I hope you've all had a lovely Wednesday. I've had a fab day going to a brand new university for my induction/enrolment onto my masters course in neuropsychology! Today I have some gorgeous customs to share with you in celebration of Rainbow Connection UK's 6th anniversary. I was both shocked and honoured when I was asked to swatch these so I hope I've done them justice!

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Barry M - Limited Edition Polishes A/W '19

*PR Sample*

Good evening! Hope you're all doing well. I've had a pretty exciting week but I can't say anything just yet eek! As promised in my last post, I've got some more new polishes from Barry M to share. This time I have four shiny new limited edition polishes from both Superdrug and Boots. Read on to find out more!

Barry M Limited Edition Polishes A/W 19

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Barry M - Crystal Rock Collection A/W '19

*Press Sample*

Hello lovely people! I have something very exciting to share with you today as the ever amazing Barry M have released new polishes for the A/W season and sent them to me to swatch! They have released two new collections and four limited edition polishes which is all very exciting. I received all the polishes but I'm going to share the collections individually as otherwise it would be a very long post! First up we have the Crystal Rock collection which is a gorgeous set of seven texture polishes. Let's dive right in shall we?!

Barry M Crystal Rock Collection A/W 19

Monday, 17 June 2019

UberChic Beauty - Succulents Plate Review & Nail Art

Hi guys! I am back again with a new post for you and this time I have a stamping plate review and some nail art! I was looking through instagram a few days ago and saw someone had used this plate, thought to myself "Oo that's nice. I really need to buy this plate, I've wanted it for ages". In the end I didn't buy it because I'm trying to stop spending and it's a good thing I did because guess what I found today? That very same plate, unopened, still sealed, in my plate folder! This is the problem when you don't do nails for so forget what you've got! Anyway, I decided to finally open it and do a little review for you guys. This gorgeous little plate is the UberChic Beauty Succulents mini plate and I love it! Let's get stuck right in shall we?

UberChic Beauty Succulents Review by Polished Dreams

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Barry M - Gelly Collection S/S '19

 *PR Sample*

Hello! As I sit and write this post I'm currently deciding whether to go for a nap in preparation for my night shift tonight, or to carry on doing nails...I'm on a roll and I don't want to stop! Today I've got some polishes to share with you from the wonderful Barry M. I was once again contacted about the release of a new set of polishes, this time from their much loved Gelly Hi Shine collection. These are a perfect little set of bright summer shades so let's get stuck in!

Barry M Gelly S/S 19

Friday, 31 May 2019

Cirque - Mineralized & Rothko Red

Well hello there! How are we all? I can't believe I haven't written a blog post for almost six months...where has the time gone?! I've been super busy with a ton of exciting things like passing my driving test, moving out of my parents and into a flat with my boyfriend and a little holiday to New York! However, I have missed doing my nails and I'm really hoping I can get back into it properly. To kick things off I'm starting with some swatches from Cirque. I bought these polishes ages ago from Rainbow Connection UK so it's definitely about time I tried them. Let's have a little looksie shall we?