Saturday, 24 September 2016

Ard As Nails The Loveheart Collection

Today I have a collection from Ard As Nails to share with you. I feel a bit bad because these polishes are no longer available so I'm sorry... you'll just have to admire them from my blog! I actually bought these because they were retiring and were such a bargain! The Loveheart Colletion is full of soft shade cremes in a lovely range of colours. Lets have a look shall we?

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Painted Polish Fall Festival Collection

I guess I'm still not back into a proper schedule... I'm working on it though! To make up for not posting for a while I have some verrry new polishes to share with you today and I'm getting into the Autumn spirit! These are four out of six from the Fall Festival Collection by Painted Polish and I was seriously excited for these to be released. If you haven't heard of them, Painted Polish is an indie brand from San Jose, CA. Like most indies this of course means each bottle is made by hand and the polish is cruelty free so no testing on animals! This collection was released by Painted Polish on the 1st September but of course I got them from Rainbow Connection which only released them last Thursday. They arrived yesterday so I swatched them last night and here we are!

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Glisten & Glow Experience The Islands Collection

Hi everyone! Looks like I'm not quite back into blogging regularly... For now I think I'll just stick to once a week until I get used to my new busy schedule. Tonight I have some more swatches for you woo! Last week I finally got my hands on the Experience The Islands Collection by Glisten & Glow from Rainbow Connection. I've wanted this collection ever since I first set my eyes on it really...if it contained a purple it would pretty much be all my favourite colour cremes! Anyway, lets take a look shall we?

Saturday, 6 August 2016

For Your Nails Only Mini Haul

Helloo everybody! I'm so sorry I haven't blogged in over a month but I've been a little busy. I did kind of explain on Instagram the other day but the sum of it is basically that in July I tried to spend most of my time with family and friends and then at the end of the month moved back to uni as 1st August I started my placement and moved house... Of course I couldn't not do my nails at all so I continued to post on Instagram which you can find here. I am now making my return *fingers crossed* to blogging and today I'll be showing a few polishes I recently got from UK indie For Your Nails Only.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

The Way You Make Me Teal Dots

Hello! Hope you're all having a good week so far. Been a little busy for me and it's only going to get busier as I'm taking my little sister to university open days and she seems to have picked all the ones that are hoursss away. Typical hey? Anyway the mani I'm sharing today is something quite simple but still very pretty. I've always said that dots are one of my great weaknesses as I can never seem to make them look good so of course the answer is practice! 

Monday, 27 June 2016

Danglefoot Polish Cremes

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't posted in a little while. Some of you may have seen my post on Instagram where I explained I was both busy and just taking a bit of personal time really. Anyway, I have now returned and will be attempting to catch up on everything I've missed! Today's post is about three gorgeous new creme polishes from Danglefoot Polish. Hayley doesn't really do cremes very often so these were definitely a little treat. As usual, read on for swatches!

Thursday, 16 June 2016

A-England Gradient with Stamping

Hello everyone! It's been a busy week here yet again. I've done nail art, swatches and even went back to uni for a meeting that was cancelled ten minutes after I got on the train - doh! Fortunately I made the most of my trip and went shopping so it all ended well. Today's post is about some nail art I did recently that I'm superrr proud of! I had this idea over my exam period and made a note in my phone so that I wouldn't forget it. Let's take a look at what I did shall we?

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Danglefoot Polish Snow & Charming Duo

Hi everyone! Sorry I had a little break in blogging again, was just getting used to being back at home and spending some time with my family. I've done a lot nails though so I have a ton to share with you! Today I'm sharing the newest Once Upon a Time duo from Danglefoot Polish in collaboration with Megan from @sailornails. You can see my post on last month's here. The duo this time was Charming and Snow and are very different polishes to Hook and Swan from last month. Obviously that's a good thing! Let's take a look at the swatches...

Saturday, 4 June 2016

My Very First Meebox

I'm finally free from exams and uni hooray! Sorry it's taken so long to get something on the blog but I've been rather busy since I got back home. Anyway, today I'm talking all about the latest MeeBox release (May) and the theme for this box was the brilliant Rihanna. Now as the title for this post suggests, this was my first experience with MeeBox and I have to say I'm very impressed! For those that may not have heard of MeeBox before, it is a nail subscription box that costs £20 per month including postage. They say that you will usually get three polishes and a couple of tools/treatments but this month was a little bit different to usual I believe. Let's take a closer look at what I got shall we? (P.s. This is going to be a bit of a wordy/photo heavy post so bear with me!)

Friday, 27 May 2016

Ard As Nails #Hashtag Collection

Evening everyone! Well... evening if it is evening for you haha. Today I've got some swatches of a brand new collection from Ard As Nails. I've got a fair few Ard As Nails polishes now and I love all of them so the bar was certainly high for these. Also, I have just realised I haven't actually got many on the blog which is kinda crazy as one of my all time favourites is from Kat! Anyway, onto the #Hashtag Collection...

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

First Ever Successful Watermarble!

Hi guys, hope you've all had a good day. The mani in this post is definitely a proud moment for me because as the title suggests, I watermarbled! And not just did the whole thing in the water but actually got it on my nails in a way that looks semi good. I think so anyway!

Monday, 23 May 2016

Rainbow Gradient Nails

Helloo, another Monday, another post! Hope you haven't had a terrible start to the week but if you have, just remember the day is almost over. If you're like me then you may be watching/have already watched Game of Thrones! Anyway, onto the nails...

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Princess Nail Lacquer Swatches & Review

Hey everyone! Now I know I posted yesterday but today's post is long overdue and I felt bad even leaving it until tomorrow so here we go! You may have seen around that there is a new UK indie brand on the scene called Princess Nail Lacquer. PNL is run by a lovely lady called Ashleigh and she opened at the beginning of May so when I say new, I mean new! Like most UK indies, Ashleigh's polishes are 5-free, cruelty free and they are also vegan which is obviously great. If you're already interested then you can find her shop here and her Instagram page here

 There are already a wide range of polishes to choose from including holos, glitters and cremes so definitely something for everyone. After spending weeks leading up to the release date oo-ing and ah-ing over all her polishes on Instagram, I decided to get The Space Adventures Collection. Really I wanted them all but y'know, kinda limited by money. 

Friday, 20 May 2016

Pond Mani with Barry M Lolly Gloss

Hi all, today I've got some very simple nail art to show you using a polish from the recent Barry M releases. I've only swatched them (which you can see in my blog post here) and used them for this mani but I already really love the Lolly Gloss polishes!

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Turquoise Stone Nails

Hey guys! Today I've got some more nail art to share with you and it's definitely one of my favourites I've done recently. I'm sure the vast majority of the nail artists in the world (although I still don't call myself a 'nail artist' haha!) have done some sort of variation of stone nails before so I decided that it was my turn. My main source of inspiration for these came from this mani created by the lovely Kat from KLEnails. You can find her blog here and her Instagram page here.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

A England Cathy & Harmony in Mauve

Hey everyone! Today I'm sharing my very first A England polishes with you and I know it's the beginning of the post but I can safely say I love these! A England is another UK indie (indpendent) brand and I've been looking at their polishes for a while. I was oh so tempted when the Emily Bronte collection came out but I resisted. Until now...

Friday, 13 May 2016

Rainbow Leopard Print

Hello! How's everybody's week been? Sorry I'm a couple of days late but I did say I was busy now so there's not really a lot I can do about that. Anyway, today I'm sharing some multi-coloured leopard print nails. Haven't done leopard print for a while so I thought it was about time I did some again.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Pinking Out Loud Roses

Hey guyss! Today's post is all about a mani I shared on Instagram a couple of weeks ago. I loved them and a lot of people of Instagram and Facebook seemed too as well so I'm really pleased! These were sort of inspired by someone else's nails I saw that were pink with white stamping but I feel terrible because I never took note of who it was...sorry!

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Barry M Molten Metals Swatches & Review

Hello, sorry I'm posting this a day late again! I ended up spending the day with a friend yesterday and didn't have a chance to write the post. Continuing from my last post, I have another new collection from Barry M to share with you! This is yet another brand new range called Molten Metals; a set of four metallic chrome effect shades.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Barry M Lolly Gloss Nail Paint Swatches & Review

Happy Wednesday everyone! I know I say this for basically every post but...I've got something exciting to share today! Yet another new collection has been released from Barry M (Yes another one!). This time it is a set of four limited edition polishes with a sheer jelly gloss finish and raspberry and strawberry scents! When I first saw the sneak peeks of these on Barry M's snapchat I wasn't convinced because they looked very dark and not at all summery. Turns out, I couldn't have been more wrong! 

Monday, 2 May 2016

Forever Green

Hi everyone! I know I'm posting two days in a row but it is Mani Monday after all. It's also a Bank Holiday today so I hope everyone's had a lovely day. I've spent the day playing with nail polish (as usual) and watching The Big Bang Theory so I've had a great time! Anyway, onto the nails for this post...

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Barry M Coconut Infusion Nail Paints Swatches & Review

Hello! Today I'm sharing five of the nail paints from Barry M's new Coconut Infusion range. There are nine polishes in the range all together; five bright colours and four nudes. I chose the five coloured polishes as I've said many a time before that I'm not really a fan of nude polishes on me so I didn't want to waste my money. They do look great on other people though! The polish contains coconut water and coconut oil so supposedly "gently hydrates and nourishes nails while delivering a beautifully smooth, gel-like glossy manicure". I can't say much about the care that it did for my nails as I didn't have it on long enough but it definitely had a glossy finish as you'll see in the photos below!

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Danglefoot Polish Swan & Hook Duo

Hi all! I've got two very special polishes from Danglefoot Polish to share with you today. Hayley has decided to create a new Once Upon a Time (the TV show) inspired duo each month and this month it began with Hook and Swan in collaboration with Kirsty from @fairytalesnails. These polishes will be limited to one pour batches so if you want any then you'll have to get in quick! 

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Spring Fling Collaboration Box

Hey everyone! I've got something very special to share with you today which is the Spring Fling Collaboration box from Danglefoot Polish, 'Ard As Nails, Luna Loves Lacquer and Soap Dodger. This box contains three full size polishes and a hand cream and I am absolutely in love with it all. 

Monday, 18 April 2016

Spring Flowers

It's Monday and guess what...I've finally got a nail art post for you! Granted it's only some simple stamping but lets get back into it gently eh? The past few days it has finally felt like Spring has sprung (at least until I came back to uni yesterday) and I wanted to do something season appropriate sooo, this is what I came up with.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Danglefoot Polish Live Colourfully Collection

Hello again! I am back with yet more swatches and yet more Danglefoot #sorrynotsorry! This is Hayley's newest collection called the Live Colourfully Collection and with these polishes on your nails there is absolutely no doubt you'll be living colourfully. They are all neon/bright polishes with lots of flakies and sparkle in. This is your first and final warning: prepare your sunglasses and get ready to say goodbye to your pennies!

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Danglefoot Polish Haul

Hey heyy, I'm back from my holiday and posting yet more swatches! Sorry if you're wanting nail art, I'll be doing some again soon I promise! Already posted individual swatches of these on my Instagram so you may have seen them, it's just taken me rather a long time to write the blog post woops. I don't think I bought all these in one go but I did get them all in a very short space of time so I figured I'd put them all together.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Christina Marie Sale Mini Haul

Back again today with more swatches! This time from a brand that I haven't tried before: Christina Marie (@cmhandmadeuk on Instagram). As well as nail polish they also do candles and a variety of gifts. Surprisingly it was something in the gift category I bought first as I got my mum a frame with all our names in for Mother's Day. Safe to say, we were both very happy with it! Anyway nail polish is what I'm talking about in this post. On Instagram they announced they were having a little sale where the majority of polishes were £1. Yes you read that right, a bottle of nail polish for £1! How could I possibly resist?

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Freckles Polish Cremes & The Best and Worst of the 90's

As some have you may have seen on Instagram, I've gone swatching mad the past few days. This is basically because I've got seriously behind in trying all my new polishes and as I keep buying more (oops), that long list just keeps on growing! Anyway, today I have a few swatches from two new collections from Freckles Polish. These were only released on the 26th March and I swatched them the day they arrived in the post so I've got in quick! 

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Fit For a Queen

Who loves a bit of holo goodness? I think it's pretty clear I do! Today's nail art features what must be the most holo sparkly polish I own!

Nail Breaks & Glitter Love

Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting but there has been a very good reason/s. If you follow me on Instagram then you've probably seen that I had a verryy horrible nail break... If you don't follow me on Instagram or just haven't seen it then you can see below.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

#clairestelle8mar - Sport

Hello everyone! Today I've got the next installment of the #clairestelle8mar challenge on Instagram. This time the prompt was 'sport' and of course for me there was only one option...archery! In case you don't know, I'm a part of my university's archery club and I've actually recently been voted to be Captain next year wahoo! Anyway it's a big part of my life and I love it so that's what I chose for this prompt. 

Monday, 7 March 2016

#clairestelle8mar - Blue

Today I've got some pretty decent nail art if I do say so myself! This month I have decided to take part in the #clairestelle8 monthly challenge run by Claire from @clairestelle8 on Instagram and this mani is for the first prompt 'blue'. I decided to have a go at my first ever pond manicure after seeing one done by Marta from @furiousfiler using I Have Nothing To Wear from Danglefoot Polish

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Barry M Sunset S/S 16 Polishes

Another swatch day and more Barry M yippee! Today I've got the four new polishes in their Sunset Daylight Curing range and as I loved the polishes from this collection last year, I had some high hopes. Let me just say, they definitely did not disappoint! 

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Danglefoot Polish Star Wars Collection: Episode II

It's that time of the week again where I share with you some swatches! Today I have the last two polishes from Hayley's Star Wars Collection: One of a Kind Droid and One Hell of a Pilot. If for some reason you haven't already seen my post on the original four polishes then take a look here.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Phantom Stamping

Award for most unoriginal post title goes to... In case you can't tell, I really struggled to come up with a title for this so I just went for something basic. It should become clear why I called it this haha. Anyway, it's Monday again BOOOO! Hope you haven't all been struggling as much as me today. All I really want to do is crawl into bed and sleep for a few weeks, maybe even months! However instead of doing that, I'm going to finish this post and then do other productive stuff (hopefully)...go me!

Today's mani was very much inspired by Charlotte from @charsnails on Instagram. I have already posted a photo of these on my Instagram so you may have seen them. 

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Barry M Gelly S/S 16 Polishes

Hey everyone! Today I've got swatches on the new polishes in the Barry M Gelly collection. I have already posted some photos on Instagram but as usual my post will have more photos and of course more detail about the polish and what I thought!

Monday, 8 February 2016

Freckles Polish Raspberry Daiquiri

Hello again! As you can tell I totally stuck to my new plan really well... It really wasn't the best week to do it as I went home Wednesday night to see my sister in a show and then was away Friday to Sunday for an archery competition so I've been pretty busy! My weekend was great, I had a fab time with my club and got a new personal best so I'm super happy! Anyway obviously because of all this I haven't really had time to do my nails properly so I thought I'd post the only photos I currently have which is of Raspberry Daiquiri from Freckles Polish that I wore last week (you'll know that if you follow me on instagram!).

Monday, 1 February 2016

Rose Gold Florals

So if you haven't already seen on Instagram, I've created a little plan for myself as to what I'm going to post and when. What with uni being a little crazy this year, I'm hoping to do a blog post at least three times a week; on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Mondays have already been named #manimonday so that helped me figure out what to do therefore (hopefully) every Monday, I'll be posting an original mani of my own. Wednesday's will be #recreationwednesday so I'll post a recreation of a mani by someone else! This is the day I'm most excited about as I just looove looking through other people's blogs and Instagrams for inspiration. Finally, Saturday's will be #swatchsaturday which I'm sure you can figure out means I'll be posting swatches! This obviously all helps me figure out what I'm doing but I hope it also means you can get excited about what I'll be posting. Anyway, onto today's post! 

As I got some of the Models Own Chrome polishes for Christmas I decided I really wanted to do some stamping with them so I chose Sprint Finish from Barry M as my base and decided to stamp with Chrome Rose.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Danglefoot Polish Star Wars Collection

Wahoo guess who's back! Apologies for my rather long and unplanned break but life got busy as I'm sure (hope!) people understand. Obviously there was Christmas which was great and of course I got some new polishes so expect to see swatches of them soon! Another explanation as to why it's taken me so long to get back to nails and blogging is that this month at uni I've had exams, however, I had my last one yesterday and now I'm full of inspiration and totally ready to start up again! 

Making my comeback with a very exciting (and long overdue) post on the Star Wars Collection from Danglefoot Polish. I guess this will be a bit photo heavy so I'll try to keep the text short. Now in this set not only did you get four gorgeous polishes with fab names but also a sparkly liquid latex, a handmade clay button (I got a sparkly C-3PO!) and some super cute Star Wars water decals. If this hasn't already made you want this set, wait til you see the swatches!