Friday, 14 July 2017

Sparklea Nail Polish - Moana Collection in Collaboration with Me!

*Press Sample*

Hi everybody, today I'm going to be sharing possibly the most exciting blog post I've ever written! As you may have seen on Instagram, I've been sharing swatches of a new collection from Sparklea Nail Polish. Not only is it a beautiful new collection, it's a beautiful new collection I've collaborated on! A few months ago my very good friend and fab polish maker Lea asked if I wanted to do a Moana collection with her due to our shared obsession of the film and of course the only answer to that question was "YES!". We starting coming up with some ideas and I went away and created a mood board for each polish which was super fun and apparently really helpful for Lea. We settled on a collection of six and I am so so pleased with how they've turned out! There are Moana spoilers ahead so if you haven't seen the film yet, 1. Go watch it. Like right now. and 2. Just look at the pretty pictures and don't read the words. I can promise these polishes are all amazing.