Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Monthly Favourites - October 2017

Well, well, well, what is this? I've decided to start doing a monthly favourites post as I love reading other bloggers favourites and I'm hoping I can use it as a way to incorporate some of the things on Instagram that don't get shared on the blog. I tend to do a lot of swatches and unfortunately only some will get posted on here as I don't have the time to write posts and edit photos for everything due to having uni work. But hey, hopefully this will help! 

I can't believe we're already in November! I know it's such a cliché but I really don't know where the time is going. I am very happy about the fact that next month is December though. I just love Christmas and everything about it! You've got the pretty lights, all the markets, Christmas songs and the most important thing...chocolate! Anyway, I'll try to refrain myself from getting too excited as we're not quite there yet. Now I hope you forgive me if this isn't the best monthly post you've ever seen. Obviously it's a first go and things may chop and change over the coming months but let's just dive right in!

Favourite Polish
At the end of September I did my first ever order from Wikkid Polish which was very exciting. I've admired Sarah's polishes from a distance for quite some time but never ordered as I was afraid of becoming addicted to another brand and also because I wasn't a fan of the bottles she was using...I just really struggle taking photos with them haha! Fortunately Sarah recently switched to a new bottle shape and I LOVE those. I knew I wanted to get the 'Crushed Collection' (which you can see swatches of on my Instagram) after receiving 'Slush Puppie' in the Sweet Treats Indie Box but also had to pick up 'Rose Garden' which has been on my want list ever since I first saw it. I fell completely in love as soon as I painted it on my nails and it is definitely my favourite polish I've swatched this month. You can get it here for £7.

Favourite Nail Art
Choosing my favourite nail art was a bit of tough one even though I haven't even done much this month. I think it was mostly because none of it was very exciting haha! I know I know, we're supposed to be proud of ourselves etc. but I'm also happy to admit when I haven't done so well. There's nothing wrong with that, we all go through low points at times! Anyway, what I settled for in the end was my birthday mani for Lea as it was the most freehanding I've done for a while so I was pretty proud of it. If you want to find out more details then you can read my full blog post here

Favourite Stamping Plate
As I said previously, I haven't done a lot of nail art this month so I'm sure in future months this will be more of a difficult decision. As it was October, everyone was going Halloween mad, and rightly so! I bought a new stamping plate specially so used that several times over the weeks. This is of course the UberChic Beauty Halloween 02 plate that I got from Nail-Artisan. It really does have a great range of images and to be honest, I'm probably going to pretend Halloween isn't over and use it again anyway. Here are some of the mani's I created using the plate.

Favourite Nail Care Item
If you know me at all, you'll know I'm pretty shocking at remembering to apply cuticle oils and moisturiser. The only time I did well at it was when I was on placement last year so could just keep it on my desk and reach for it whenever. Being back at uni and running all round the place really doesn't help me at all. Despite this, I recently bought a new cuticle oil as my previous Danglefoot one had run out and Hayley is no longer making them. Apothaka is a relatively new (a year? old) skincare brand run by all round lovely lady and fellow nailie Natasha and after seeing so many good reviews I just knew I had to give her SOS nail & cuticle oil a try. 

The oil comes in a 10ml glass bottle with a roller ball applicator. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this when I got it but actually, I really like it. Full of 100% natural ingredients with a lovely lemon and lavender scent, you certainly can't go wrong. As usual, I haven't been applying this at least twice a day as recommended but I can tell you that when I do apply it, it leaves my nails and cuticles feeling amazing which is why I've put it as my nail care favourite. Like I said before, this has received fab reviews so if you fancy buying it yourself you can get it here for £9.95. I'll try to use it properly over the next month and hopefully come back with a full review at the end!

Well this certainly ended up a lot longer than I planned...and I only had a couple of sections! I hope you enjoyed reading this post, I certainly enjoyed putting it together. Can't believe it never occurred to me to do this sooner! Please do let me know what you liked/disliked. Let's make November an even better month!

Abigail xo

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