Wednesday, 9 March 2016

#clairestelle8mar - Sport

Hello everyone! Today I've got the next installment of the #clairestelle8mar challenge on Instagram. This time the prompt was 'sport' and of course for me there was only one option...archery! In case you don't know, I'm a part of my university's archery club and I've actually recently been voted to be Captain next year wahoo! Anyway it's a big part of my life and I love it so that's what I chose for this prompt. 

I free-handed all of this design as I'm sure you can figure out from the lack of perfect edges etc haha! The polishes are all from Barry M and are Cotton, Blue Grape, Can't Get You Out Of My Red, On Your Marks and Black. I also used their nail art pen to do the arrow because I don't really have a very good 'detail' brush. 

Now as much I love archery, I can't see myself attempting this was just really hard! I'm not happy with the target face on my ringer finger as there's far too much white in comparison to the other colours but hey, I couldn't do anything about it once I'd started. Despite all this, I am happy with how this mani turned out overall. I didn't have high hopes so that probably helped! 

In terms of polishes, I decided I need to use Blue Grape more. It was actually one of my first Barry M polishes and I forgot how much I love it. I used to wear it all the time because I said it was like the TARDIS blue haha! 

Next prompt for the challenge is 'Clothes Inspired' and I've got my idea so that will be posted soon!

Abigail xo

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