Wednesday, 18 July 2018

'Ard As Nails - Summer 2018 Cremes

*PR Sample*
Hi! It's another Wednesday and fortunately I actually have another post. This week has become slightly crazy as we decided I would be moving out on Friday so now I'm frantically packing the past four years of uni life up and wondering how on earth I've accumulated so much stuff! I'm incredibly excited to be going home though as I get to be with my gorgeous dog again and I'll be 20 minutes up the road from my boyfriend rather than 2 hours away. I just really hate packing...a lot. And don't even get me started on all the polish I have to pack yet haha! Anyway, today I'm going to be sharing the five new additions to The Creme Collection from 'Ard As Nails. Let's get stuck right in!

First up is 'Ellie', a pinky brown nude. I wasn't too sure on this in the bottle but once I got it on my nails, my mind completely changed! It's one of the first nudey colours I've actually really liked with my skin tone and it's definitely one of those polishes that is good for a professional work environment. Unfortunately as I'll be working in a hospital, invisible polish is the only polish that I'll be allowed haha! I was pleasantly surprised by how opaque 'Ellie' was in one coat and if you have short nails then you probably could get away with it! The formula was also fab, super smooth and so easy to apply. This swatch shows two coats with topcoat.

The second polish I have to share is 'Isabel' which is a beautiful bright sky blue. Once again this has an absolutely perfect formula. These are the sort of polishes you can paint on and need barely any clean up because they just apply and sit so nicely! The swatch below shows two coats with topcoat.

Next up we have one of my favourites of the five! This is 'Georgia', a gorgeous bright coral/red. I've said for years that these types of shades are my favourites for Summer and that is still completely true! Unlike the others, I had a slight problem with this going streaky on the ridges of my nails. It only happened on the middle and ringer finger as they're the worst but this meant I did an extra coat on all the nails as I didn't want them to look uneven. I'm sure my nails have become far more ridged over the last couple of months which is so frustrating but hey. This was still a great polish and as I said, is one of my favourites. Swatch shows three coats with topcoat.

Now, I know there's quite a few people out there that don't like green polish but come can you dislike this?! 'Helen', in case you can't tell, is my other favourite from the new release. I've always loved green but this stunning emerald creme is definitely a new winner. As with the others this has a lovely formula and application. Shown below in two coats with topcoat.

Last but not least, we have 'Catherine'. This hot pink is totally perfect for hot weather and would be great on both fingers and toes! Like with 'Georgia', I had a little problem with streaks due to the ridges on my nails. Aside from that the application and formula was beautiful. The ridges on my nails really are taking it to a whole new level now so you guys shouldn't have any issues. Swatches show three coats with topcoat.

So there we have it, five gorgeous new summery cremes. Creme polishes are seriously underrated due to the amount of exciting holos, thermals and flakies out there so please do invest in these and see what you're missing out on! As Kat also does such a huge range of colours, I'm finding I'm using them more and more for nail art. They're also super versatile as I've done gradients, smooshes and watermarbles with them. I plan on doing a watermarble with these new additions so keep your eyes peeled on Instagram

These five new polishes will be released on 'Ard As Nails on 23rd July so make your notes in your calendars! For now, there are tons of other fab cremes on the website so have a browse through them all here

Abigail xo 

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